WYEP.ORG was an exercise in prioritization and restraint. Initially it required a lot of clean up of features that were no longer used, and removal and restructuring of content. The site had dropdown menus that expanded all the way down the page.
Since this was a live site with an active user base, the first step was to inspect the analytics. What was it people were looking for? What did they find useful or interesting?
We discovered the main things people wanted: to stream the live audio, and to see the playlist. Events listings came in as a close 3rd attraction.
By restructuring the site so that these items were easier to find, we increased visits to the site by 30%.
We also implemented an action based “buckets” structure for the site, based on the content visitors might want to consume. (LISTEN | WATCH | GO | SUPPORT)
The front page now sports a responsive card based layout. Content managers can visually organize items using a drag and drop interface (Panels) and CSS classes let them specify how the cards display on various screen sizes.
WYEP is a Drupal based website that has been running on the same installation for over 10 years. I unfortunately did not get the chance to migrate the content to a fresh Drupal 8 installation. I DID get all the content types moved over to a development installation, and made some headway in content migration via the Feeds API.